Sydney Metro could include Green Square Station

Posted: January 12, 2016 in Transport
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A station at either McEvoy St or Green Square could form part of the new Sydney Metro railway currently under construction according to NSW Government plans. These plans show a range of potential alignment options considered for the line between Central Station and Sydenham, ranging from a Western alignment through Sydney University and Newtown through to an Eastern alignment through Waterloo and Green Square. The Government recently decided that the line should pass through Waterloo, rejecting the Sydney University option. However, these plans pre-date that decision.

Sydney Metro station and alignment options. Click to enlarge. (Source: Chatswood to Sydenham State Significant Infrastructure Application Report, page 51)

Maps of the potential alignments show that a line through Waterloo could go directly to Sydenham, but could also potentially continue South to include an additional station either McEvoy St in Alexandria or Green Square where an existing Airport Line station is located. A station at Green Square could allow for easy transfers between the two lines outside of the congested CBD. These stations have not been mentioned previously by the Government when discussing either the Sydney University or Waterloo options.

The Sydney Metro consists of two stages. Stage one comprises the former North West Rail Link from Rouse Hill to Epping together with the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link, which is scheduled to open in 2019. Stage two consists of a new tunnel from Chatswood to Sydenham together with the conversion of the Bankstown Line from Sydenham to Bankstown, which is set to begin construction next year and open in 2024. The line will operate with driverless single deck trains with limited seating on a frequent turn up and go style timetable.

  1. JC says:

    Why am I not surprised to see that when NSW transport planners and politicians are presented with a range of options, they choose the most bonkers?

  2. Razorbackbob says:

    The Sydney Metro should go through Redfern on the existing corridor. Another metro line, the Olympic Park Metro should include stations at Annandale, Camperdown, Uni of Sydney, Redfern, Redfern Oval. Whatever is built should be part of a holistic, 100-year transport plan. Building isolated and unintegrated projects without knowing the overall NSW plan has never worked and never will.

  3. Danny says:

    Agree with RB here. Add that the The Sydney Metro via Waterloo now needs 2 more stations at Alexandria and St Peters to provide for the urban growth in this area and connect to the bus transfers. Finally, the current Metro EIS makes no reference to Westconnex (60,000 cars on Euston road Alexandria) and the Metro – running underneath it.

    These being the 2 biggest $ cost transport projects in the State’s history ….

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